Carrie Haskell-Luevano
Professional Positions
2018-present, Associate Department Head, University of Minnesota, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
2011-present, Professor, Philip S. Portoghese Endowed Chair in Chemical Neuroscience, and Institute for Translational Neuroscience (ITN) Scholar, University of Minnesota, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
2012-present, Department of Chemistry Graduate Faculty Affiliate Member
2017- present, Integrative Biology and Physiology (IBP) Department Graduate Faculty Affiliate Member
2020-present, Department of Pharmacology Graduate Faculty Affiliate Member
2008-2011, Professor University of Florida, Department of Pharmacodynamics, Affiliate Professor Department of Physiology and Functional Genomics, Affiliate Professor of Drug Discovery
2004-2008, Associate Professor, University of Florida, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Affiliate Associate Professor Department of Physiology and Functional Genomics
1998-2004, Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Affiliate Assistant Professor Department of Physiology and Functional Genomics
1996-1998, NIH Postdoctoral Fellow with Roger D. Cone, Vollum Institute, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon
1995-1996, Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemistry (Basic Structure & Drug Design) Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research, Division of Warner-Lambert, (Mentors: Christine Humblet and Sussanne Trumpp-Kallmeyer), Ann Arbor, MI
1995-1996, NIH Postdoctoral Fellow with Ira Gantz and Tadataka “Tachi” Yamada, University of Michigan, Department of Internal Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI
1990-1995, PhD in Chemistry, University of Arizona (Mentors: Victor J. Hruby, Mac E. Hadley, and Tomi K. Sawyer), Tucson, AZ
1986-1990, Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (Honors), California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA
APS Service
2005-2017, Council Member
2009, Member of the “Action” Committee
2008-2009, Scientific Program Committee Member, 21st American Peptide Symposium, American Peptide Society
2006-2012, Member of Various APS Award Committees
2005-2015, APS appointed member of the Editorial Board for The FASEB Journal
2005-2007, Member of the Membership Committee
2005-2007, Member of the Women Peptide Science Committee
2003-2005, Member of the Nominating Committee
2002-2003, Scientific Program Committee Member, 18th American Peptide Symposium
2001, 2nd International and 17th American Peptide Symposium, Chair, Mini-symposium, Organized and Chair, Career development workshop, (NIH NIDDK, Dr. Phil Smith speaker), Organized and Chair, Poster Competition, Organized and Chair, Job Fair
1999, 2009, 2011, American Peptide Symposium Travel Award Committee, (Member 1999, Chair 2009 & 2011)
1999-2001, Member of the Publications Committee
1999-2001, Member of the Membership Committee
1999-2001, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
1992-1997, Student & Postdoctoral Member of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
Other Service
2020 Search Committee Member for the Editor-in-Chief for an American Chemical Society (ACS) journal
2013-2020, Appointed Senior Associate Editor for the ACS Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
2018-2022, 37th National Medicinal Chemistry Symposia (ACS, MEDI) Scientific Organizing Committee Member (New York City, July 2022)
2018-2019, Special Issue Editor for the “Journal of Medicinal Chemistry” “Allosteric Modulators”
2018-2019, Guest Editor (with Henry Mosberg & Tomi Sawyer) "Advances in Peptide and Peptidomimetic Design Inspiring Basic Science and Drug Discovery: A Themed Issue Honoring Professor Victor J. Hruby on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday" Special Issue for the journal Molecules
2018, Organizer & Chair “Academic Drug Discovery” Symposium 257th ACS National Meeting,
March 31-April 4 2018,
Orlando, FL
2017-2018, ELAM Fellow- The Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM)
2017, Wallin Neuroscience Discovery Fund Awardee
2015- current, Member of the ACS Medicinal Chemistry Division (MEDI) Executive Committee
2015-2023, Elected Councilor ACS Medicinal Chemistry Division
2015-2018, NIH Study Section Full Panel Member Drug Discovery for the Nervous System (DDNS) & MDCN-C 56 & 58
2012, Organizer & Chair “Peptide Therapeutic Advancements” Symposium, 244th ACS National Meeting,
August 19-23, 2012,
Philadelphia, PA
2010-2013, Member of the ACS Medicinal Chemistry Division Long Range Planning Committee
2010, Program Committee Member, Melanocortin Meeting 2010
2009, Inducted into the Gordon Research Conferences Chair “Hall of Fame”
2007-2010, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Excellence in Science Award Committee
2007-2011, Member of the FASEB Board of Directors
2007, Research summary of our human MC4R Polymorphism studies and an interview accompanied with quotes (p58) in the July 11, 2007 issue of the “Time” Magazine cover story entitled “The Science of Appetite.”
2006-2008, Elected co-Chair 2008 for the Gordon Research Conference “Peptides, Chemistry & Biology Of”
2006-2008, The Gordon Research Conference Council, elected member
2005-2009, NIH Study Section Full Panel Member Synthetic and Biological Chemistry-B (SBC-B)
2005-2008, University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Research Professor Award
2005-2007, University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professorship Award
2003-2006, Invited Guest Editor (2 special issues) focused on the “Melanocortins” for the journal Peptides
2002, Sigma Xi Junior Faculty Research Award, University of Florida Chapter
2001-current, NIH study section and ad hoc grant review panels of various mechanisms
1998-2003, Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in the Biomedical Sciences
1994, Award of Excellence, Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona
1994, Carl S. Marvel Honorarium, Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona
1986, Mervin G. Morris Scholarship
Awards & Honors
Herbert Newby McCoy Award, Purdue, 2017
Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, Midwest Regional ACS, 2017
Vincent du Vigneaud Award, American Peptide Society, 2015
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Mentor Award, College of Science, Purdue, 2013
The Book of Great Teachers Awardee, Purdue, 2013
Arthur E. Kelly Award for Excellence in Teaching, Purdue University, 2012
Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award, College of Science, Purdue, 2012
Edward Leete Award in Organic Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 2011
Teaching Academy Member, Purdue, 2011
Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges Explorations Award, 2010
Charles B. Murphy Award, Purdue University, 2010
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2008
The Outstanding Teacher in the College of Science, Purdue, 2008-2009
Woman of Purdue, Purdue University, 2008
Outstanding Teacher in the College of Science, Purdue, 2007-2008
Outstanding Teacher in the College of Science, Purdue, 2006-2007
Arthur E. Kelly Award for Excellence in Teaching, Purdue University, 2006
W. S. Johnson Symposium Distinguished Lecturer, 2005
Robert A. Welch Conference, Distinguished Lecturer, 2004
Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, American Chemical Society, 2003
Agnes Fay Morgan Research Award, Iota Sigma Pi, 2001
University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University, 2000-2004
Arthur E. Kelly Award for Excellence in Teaching, Purdue University, 2000
Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1996-1998
National Science Foundation, National Young Investigator, 1994-1999

Carrie Haskell-Luevano
Professor & Associate Department Head
University of Minnesota