Anna Maria Papini
Professional Positions
Director of the Industry-University Joint Laboratory PeptFarm, for the development of large-scale synthesis of peptide-active pharmaceutical ingredients 2017-
Deputy President for the International Affairs of the School of Sciences of the University of Florence, 2013-
Founder and director of the French-Italian Laboratory of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology, PeptLab, associating the Laboratory of Chemical Biology at the Université Paris-Seine, Cergy-Pontoise, with the Platform PeptLab@UCP and the Departments of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences & Neurosciences of the University of Florence, 2010-
Co-founder and director of the Interdepartmental Laboratory of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology, associating the Departments of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences & Neurosciences of the University of Florence, 2004-
Full Professor and Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Université Paris-Seine, Cergy-Pontoise, -2008
Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the startup Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l., 2007-2014
Founder and Scientific Board member of the academic spinoff Espikem S.r.l., -2003
Associate Professor and Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry of the University of Florence, -2002
Researcher at the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence, 2001-2002
Assistant Researcher at the Department of Organic Chemistry, associated to the Chair of Chemistry of the Medical School of the University of Florence, 1991-2001
Postdoctoral Fellow in Dermatochemistry, Department of Dermatology, Florence University Hospital, with Prof. Emiliano Panconesi, M.D., 1990-1991
Department of Peptide Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, 1988-1989
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence, 1986-1988
International Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, Department of Biochemistry, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sherbrooke, 1985-1986
Ph.D.with Prof. Luis Moroder, 1990
M.Sc. in Chemistry, Curriculum Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Florence, with Prof. Alfredo Ricci, 1977-1983
APS Service
Appointed member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the American Peptide Symposium, Monterey, 2017
Charter member of the American Peptide Society, 1988
Awards & Honors
Rita Levi Montalcini Award by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2019
Treasurer and Board member of the European Peptide Society, 2011-2020
Panel member for ERC Advanced Grant evaluation committee PE5 – Synthetic chemistry and materials, Brussels, 2012-2019
Appointed chairperson of 14th International Peptide Symposium/37th European Peptide Symposium that will be held in Florence, 2022, 2016
Founder and Board member as Scientific affairs officer of the Italian Peptide Society, 2017-2020
Chairperson with P.E. Dawson of the 2016 Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry & Biology of Peptides: Crossing Barriers by Peptide Science for Health and Wellness, 2016
Chaire d’Excellence of the French "Agence Nationale de la Recherche," unique of chemistry out of 16 attributed in 2009, ANR-09-CEXC-013-01, Project PepKit : development of peptide-based-diagnostic kits for autoimmune diseases, 2009-2014
Leonidas Zervas Award for outstanding contribution to peptide chemistry, 30th EPS, Helsinki, 2008
1st D. Theodoropoulos Memorial Lecture Award for outstanding achievements in Peptide Sciences, 6th Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides, Patras, 2008
Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research Award in the European autoimmune disease diagnostics market for the startup Toscana Biomarkers, London, 2008
Appointed Member of the Scientific Affairs Committee of the European Peptide Society, 2004-2008
Editor-for-Europe of Protein & Peptide Letters, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., -2005

Anna Maria Papini
University of Florence