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Murray Goodman Award

The Murray Goodman Scientific Excellence & Mentorship Award was established in 2007 by an endowment from Zelda Goodman. The Goodman Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated career-long research excellence in the field of peptide science. In addition, the selected individual should have been responsible for significant mentorship and training of students, post-doctoral fellows, and/or other co-workers. This award is presented at the biennial American Peptide Symposia.

The Murray Goodman Scientific Excellence & Mentorship Award Recipients

2025, William D. Lubell, Université de Montréal

2023, James P. Tam, Nanyang Technological University

2021, Jean Chmielewski, Purdue University

2019, Fernando Albericio, University of KwaZulu-Natal

2017, Paul Alewood, The University of Queensland

2015, George Barany, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis

2013, Robert S. Hodges, University of Colorado at Denver

2011, Victor J. Hruby, University of Arizona

2009, Charles M. Deber, University of Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children

Murray Goodman

Professor Murray Goodman passed away in Germany on June 1, 2004 at the age of 75 after a very brief illness. Murray, as he was known to thousands of peptide chemists world wide, served as President of the American Peptide Society from 2001-2003. He was an incisive and influential force in the field of peptide chemistry and remained active, dedicated and enthusiastic throughout his lifetime.