Membership Information
Membership is free and open to graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, professionals, and retired professionals, with an interest in peptides or a related scientific field.
What Current Members Say

“I have been a member of APS since I was a graduate student because of the benefits and opportunities it provided scientists at that stage of my career. Through the years, I have continued to be a member so I can engage with the top researchers working in peptide science from around the globe.”
Marcos Pires
Associate Professor of Chemistry
University of Virginia

“Being an APS member provides a great platform for networking and establishing new collaborations with scientists from around the world with similar scientific interests.”
Eileen Kennedy
Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Pharmacy
University of Georgia

"My membership in the American Peptide Society and participation in the biennial APS Symposia has fostered scientific collaborations with trailblazing scientists from academia and industry, who are pushing the boundaries of peptide and protein chemistry into new scientific arenas. The strongly diverse, inclusive and welcoming aspects of the APS have and will continue to provide a great opportunity for the education and professional development of young peptide scientists from all over the world."
Champak Chatterjee
Professor, Department of Chemistry
University of Washington

"The APS has been an integral part of my PhD experience. Between introducing me to a broad array of peptide science, allowing me to meet and develop relationships with colleagues near and far, and providing me with the opportunity to present, discuss, and get feedback on my own research, APS has provided a foundation for the beginning of my career."
Zoë Adams
Ph.D. - Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Scripps Research
APS Membership Will Bring You